February Foxton Forum meeting
1st March 2016, posted in News
A quick summary of the matters discussed.
The meeting took place at TFC, 22 February.
- One of the issues that the attendees wanted to discuss was meal tickets; The criteria to have a meal ticket needs to be written up clearly and available on the office door for people to refer to. This has since been acted upon. See the newly set meal ticket criteria and procedure:
- We have 10 tickets available daily.
- People who are rough sleeping are given first priority.
- Anyone who has been sanctioned and can provide evidence of this, will be given second priority.
- We can only provide you with one ticket a week, due to a high number of people requiring a ticket.
- If you meet either the first or second priority and you have already had a ticket during the same week, you may be able to have another if there are tickets still available after 1pm. This operates on a first-come first-served basis.
- Attendees discussed the possibility of Natural Highs continuing in 2016 and Sarah advised that dates would be looked at and advertised out for over 2016. The dates have been set since the meeting.
Natural Highs Walking Group:
Friday 15th April – Longridge Fell (3 miles)
Friday 10th June – Beacon Hill (5 miles)
Friday 12th August – Whin Fell (8.25 miles).
- Easter events were discussed and it was agreed that ideas for Easter would be discussed and collected during Cafe sessions.
- Updates regarding The Foxton Festival. Date is set for Saturday, 6th August 2016, with a view to being on from 10am-10pm. Ideas were discussed from attendees about different groups that could maybe get involved as they are trying to do a lot for homelessness in Preston.
- The next topic on the list was cinema evening on Friday, 18th March, 7pm, at the Centre. It was decided that the film shown will be Spectre and a working group will be coming in to look at sharing ideas, making props, etc.