The Big PNE Sleep Out 2023 (BPSO) takes place on the 17th November overnight at the Deepdale stadium with individuals sleeping out alongside the pitch to raise funds for The Foxton Centre.
Companies and other local community organisations are invited to sponsor the event at a cost of:
Sponsorship fee
Charities, Not for Profit or Community organisations – £25 minimum
Local businesses – £50 minimum
Major businesses – £100 minimum
Sponsoring organisations will have their title and logo included on the BPSO web page and listed on all major communications.
What we would ask of sponsors is the following:
Sponsor’s pledge:
1. Publicise event to employees/members and encourage participation
2. Permit fund raising by member/employee participants
3. Promote event on social media channels
Fundraising for the event
All fundraising will be organised through Just Giving. Individuals will be able to create their own personal fund raising page linked to the main BPSO event. Organisations will also be able to create a personal page for their organisation and your members and employees will be able to link their personal page to the organisation page. Groups of employees / members will be able to create teams representing specific departments or functions, if required. Once you’ve confirmed that you wish to be a sponsor, you’ll be sent details of how to setup for the event on Just Giving.
How to Formalise your Sponsorship:
Make a bank transfer payment via BACS to The Foxton Centre Account
Nat West sort code 01-67-14
Account number 99281155
For the payment reference use your organisation name and the event title e.g.
The Widget Company / BPSO 2023
Send a confirmation email to together with the following information:
Organisation name
Organisation logo
Date of bank transfer
Amount of bank transfer
Name, Title, email address and telephone number of organisation contact
These details will be stored on The Foxton Centre systems and used for the purpose of communication related to the charity’s activities only.
Thanks for your interest and support.