01772 555925 The Foxton Centre
Knowsley Street

Assertive Outreach

Assertive Outreach monitors the rough sleeping patterns on the streets of Preston …

On a weekly basis, a team of community social workers, student social workers and volunteers who have personal experience of homelessness, take to the streets of Preston. They operate at different times of day including very early mornings to make contact with people sleeping rough.

The aims of the outreach are to assess and monitor patterns and levels of people sleeping rough in Preston and to promote and encourage the engagement of rough sleepers with support services.

The route taken during outreach sessions is developed from intelligence from past and current rough sleepers. The team do not wake those who are sleeping, but return to them with a hot drink and food.

If you have concerns for someone sleeping rough email the team at Outreach@thefoxtoncentre.co.uk.

For anyone outside Preston please use the Streetlink service Streetlink

The majority of new contacts follow on to access support from community social workers at the  Homeless Day Centre .

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