Every pound counts and all donations go directly to supporting our practical work on the ground …
Donating money to the Foxton Centre gives us the flexibility to respond quickly in helping people. As a Preston charity, your money won’t be used for plush offices, fancy cars or expense accounts. Every pound you donate goes directly to supporting our practical work on the ground.
The Foxton Centre is able to provide the services to the community because of a combination of funding grants from large organisations as well as donations from individuals and businesses.
We trust Just Giving to handle the processing of our online payments. Any and all donations are appreciated!
Please visit https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/Foxton2023 to make a donation online or make a donation by cheque addressed to The Foxton Centre or cash given in to the office.
Please come and see how your contribution is having a positive impact by visiting our Facebook and Twitter pages.